Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fashion History Essay

A fancy handbag, stylish footwear, shimmering jewellery and a designer dress of substandard quality sell at fantastic prices. Now beauty salons and slimming centers the landmarks of fashionable world are frequented by a large clientele at great expenses even in smaller towns. It seems the inbred urge of the man to appear graceful is awakening from the slumber. But the craze for fashion has also opened new avenues for expansion of small scale industries product fancy articles for beauty aids are now growing and shaping up as big industries. They provide employment to thousands of youth directly or indirectly. Courses based on fashion designing and decoration have now become a popular and recognized commercial education in the country. Ever changing fashion is welcome features but living in fashion and style is a symbol of lively society. Fashions breaking the barriers of decency and decoration are full risks and lead to moral chaos. We must be aware of that fashion adds only to our external beauty which is skin deep and transient whereas moral beauty is lasting and sublime. True beauty lies in cleaning ourselves from within and is attained by practicing truth and piety love and sacrifice in our lives but in the avalanche of ever changing fashions, all that matters is ostentatious show with the aid of modem cosmetics and beauty aids, latest dresses etc. And this is eating into our great noble values. True, beauty needs no ornaments or fashion aids. My lord I may be beautiful from within in this age of fashion.

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