Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Kansas-Nebraska Act Essay -- essays research papers

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and opened new lands for settlement. Because there was millions of acres of arable farmland, it was necessary to create a territorial infrastructure that would allow settlement. The people living in the Kansas-Nebraska area also wanted a railroad system for transportation. The railroad workers wanted to expand their railroad there as well, because they needed farmers for customers. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was created and proposed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, who greatly supported the railroad system. Douglas was excited to have a railroad system that reached from his home city, Chicago, all the way to California. However, the Southerners felt differently about the railroad. The Southerners wanted a transcontinental railroad that began in New Orleans and extended to Southern California. Their different views about the railroads brought conflict between Douglas and the Southern Senators, so Douglas decided to make a compromise with them. Instead of having the railroad run throu...

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