Sunday, December 22, 2019

Federal Elections Committee Vs. United States - 1389 Words

Carly Stevens Sara Angevine American Government 10 May 2016 Federal Elections Committee versus Citizens United The increasingly popular organization, Citizens United, is focused on circumscribing government in order to decentralize power and place it in the hands of the people (â€Å"Who-We-Are†). Their firm beliefs are rooted in the ideas that the founding fathers had for this country based on values such as common sense, good will, and honesty (â€Å"Who-We-Are). Citizens United Productions, or (CUP) is an award-winning documentary production crew run by Citizens United with the intention of revealing the truth about particular candidates, which often tend to reveal damaging information about said candidate. (â€Å"Who-We-Are†). Recently, Citizens†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, they must disclose that the candidate of which the advertising is about does not condone the message (Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission.). The Supreme Court struck down the law, thus essentially allowing unlimited funding of candidates from corporations. The unrestricted ac cess that campaigns have when funding grants legal impairment of those who are unable to donate money as a corporation would, thus making the votes of the people matter less. In the post-civil war era until World War One lived many elites who prided themselves on their shoddy and commercialized wealth, which can also be said about the current political climate existent in America today. In the era termed â€Å"The Gilded Age,† by one Mark Twain, there also thrived a great deal of political corruption due to huge amounts of money that existed in the economy, similarly to our current political climate. Due to an influx of immigrants that localized to urban areas such as Chicago there were high concentrations of people in relatively small areas creating problems for the welfare of people (â€Å"Gilded Age Scandal and Corruption†). As it is the government’s responsibility to aid those in need, it was still not enough for many. In causality, organizations were created to fill the gap between government could provide and what the people needed. These organizations did things like â€Å"giving material assistance to new arrivals, got peopl e jobs, provided necessities for families in distress,

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