Saturday, February 1, 2020

Exams versus Another Form of Assessment Case Study

Exams versus Another Form of Assessment - Case Study Example Up to today, almost all students usually think that taking of exams will rank them according to what they can do or achieve. This paper despises the fact that examinations are not proportional to what a student can do. Therefore, it seconds that fact that exams should be outlawed in favor of another assessment.According to Albert Einstein (2008), he said that everyone is a genius. However, the genius levels usually vary and that exam cannot equate someone’s potential to how he or she performs after a given exam seating. Children are different from each other, and this will make them have different abilities. Therefore, there is no any single day that a teacher can judge student’s learning ability through the same means for all the children. Since each child is a different being, they then portray very different learning styles. However, it is disheartening to affirm that when assessing the children who have different learning styles, that most teachers usually do not ap preciate these differences. It is worth noting that, this evaluation style usually gives out a very wrong perception on the students. In other words, this gives a very inaccurate reflection of the progress plus learning abilities of the student. What teachers should understand is that, if they know that students are usually learning differently, why are they using the same criterion of evaluation to them all?Sadly, from the time immemorial, if a certain number of students fail exams, it is noted that the whole concept will never be repeated. Teachers usually claim that they are rushing to finish the syllabus or if they repeat the same concept then his or her subject will lack behind in terms of syllabus finishing (Beatley, 2010.p. 102). It is good for finishing syllabus, however, how will that benefit students who did not understand a certain concept and they failed it in exams? Students are frequently ushered into another topic, without them understanding the previous concept. This is a clear evidence that there is no way, a student’s ability of potential can be measured by the use of exams.

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