Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Character Analysis Using Theory Of Personality Development Social Work Essays

Character Analysis Using Theory Of Personality Development Social Work Essays Character Analysis Using Theory Of Personality Development Social Work Essay Character Analysis Using Theory Of Personality Development Social Work Essay several people are fighting with personality issues. The theory by Freud has helped us to analyze an person s character and to be able to pull a decision refering the degree of development of the Id, self-importance and superego. My Experience During my internship at the general ward as a practicing nurse to be, I was able to see teamwork struggles. This experience played good during the conference, therefore enabling me to larn more from a practical attack. I was besides able to portion my experience with the other IP squad members. I besides learnt of import facets of IP communicating and working that are built-in to the success of IP coaction. These include, non utilizing slangs, listening whenever other squad members are speaking, oppugning premises sanely, advancing the rights and self-respect of IP squad members. There are certain footings that adult nurses will utilize which cause confusion and ambiguity, therefore doing others who assume the significance of slangs to error. On the other manus, I would besides larn to decide ethical issues within my IP squad. Certain ethical issues are bound to impact the IP coaction within my working squads. I would hence esteem other IP squad member s ethical standing and attack any indifference with a voice of ground in a command to drive sense into the squad member s apprehension. Indeed, most of the squad members agreed to the fact that favoritism was so a shared concern. During my internship, I watched a patient walk in with his girlfriend. It was apparent that from the start, the physician on call could non give effectual way and as if this was non plenty, the physician could non take a leading function and advice the girlfriend to quiet down. I believe as a hereafter grownup nurse, I would hold tackled this state of affairs with more humor. My first measure would hold been to take control of the state of affairs and give the patient options with the benefits of each. This would hold given more insight to the girlfriend and cut down the struggle. I would besides originate active communicating with the remainder of the grownup nurses for audience in privateness. Interprofessional instruction would hold enabled me to efficaciously originate communicating with my squad members, therefore taking control of the state of affairs in good clip. As an grownup nurse, every patient s status is of import since my nucleus value is to continue life. I have besides learnt the effectivity of working in partnership with the patients through hearing and reacting to their concerns. I have besides learnt that it would be of import to confer with with the patients sing their intervention and attention before get downing such. While reflecting this experience, I shall work closely with my squad members as an grownup nurse and invariably pass on with the relevant governments and IP squad members for quality wellness and societal attention bringing. I truly acknowledge that I would necessitate a compendious apprehension of teamwork and modern attacks towards wellness and societal solutions. As a hereafter grownup nurse, I will ever guarantee that I initiate effectual communicating with the remainder of my IP squad members so as to work together for the common good of the patients. The experience that I learnt was so utile as it would enable me to efficaciously go a successful grownup nurse who would stand out from the remainder. The person-centred attack was peculiarly imperative in guaranting that I am able to understand the generation of multi-disciplinary teamwork. I so acknowledge that issues associating to patient attention should be approached with interprofessional teamwork so that each medical practician offers advice in his or her country of professional cognition while guaranting that they work as a squad. My experience at the multi-disciplinary conference would enable me to go a successful grownup nurse who values teamwork and professional coaction. This conference has besides enabled me to hold a clear image of what medical professionals go through and what can be done to debar such challenges. I now feel adequately capable of tacking these challenges that my calling as an grownup nurse will supply. I have besides learnt to take into history the positions of other people when doing of import determinations. Indeed issues of race, gender, category and gender among others should non impact multi-disciplinary teamwork. Cultural and societal differences should non be construed as effectual barriers to IP teamwork. As a hereafter grownup nurse, the conference was a brainstorming session which expanded my experience. I was besides able to larn that certain general footings used by patients to mention to their unwellness may so do great confusion among professional wellness and societal attention practicians. These are referred to as stereotypes. In such a state of affairs, the wellness and societal professional practician should confer with the other members of his or her IP group or squad so as to come up with the proper reading therefore limit mistakes in the intervention of the patient s status. Synergy theoretical account of nursing supports this statement and calls for more audience in the intervention of the patient. The group treatment on IP instruction enabled me to visualise the world between theory and pattern. The patient-centred position was clearly illuminated by the patient s voice presentation. The exclusion of IP working has been seen in collaborative intervention. Decisions made by single inexperient physicians have been tragic. The instance of Victoria Climbie and Baby Peter can outdo illuminate this when Baby Tiffany passed on due to negligence. Findingss from this tragic state of affairs enabled physicians and nurses to set up a model that saw the bar of such state of affairss. It was agreed that IP squads would non be able to forestall the happening of every tragic incidence. Some would so be inevitable. Hence, I was able to larn the value of communicating and coaction in the physique up to my calling as an grownup nurse. Calla lily besides seems to be fighting with her gender. She is a sapphic but before the Christian resurgence she can non squeal her feelings to Rachel because of the society s positions on the topic but after the meeting everyone is experiencing like they can open up and that is when she openly tells Rachel of her feelings even though she is turned down. Decision In decision, we can state that the three elements that make up person s personality are really important in modeling the character of person and greatly act upon what person turns into when they are grownups. We should hence endeavor to assist the Id, self-importance and superego to turn good and the self-importance particularly should be nurtured to excel the other two in laterality, because as research has shown for a sound believing grownup, the self-importance should rule. Equally much as this may non be achieved in all people, those who hang around kids should actuate them so that they do non hold jobs in maturity in individuality or of self-esteem like was the instance of Rachel and Calla. Rachel s super-ego is something to think with though at times she seems to be non confident plenty to undertake the state of affairs at manus. She stands out as a she-wolf, ever prehending any chance that comes her manner.

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