Friday, November 8, 2019

Rock Story essays

Rock Story essays I am a calcite mineral. I have changed a lot in the last few thousand years. I have been in many different types of rocks. Let me tell you about it. I started out in a metaphoric rock. I was a mineral in garnet, along with quartz and hematite. I became that way when I worked my way into the Earths surface and met quartz and hematite. We became very good friends and decided to form a rock together. So we went further into the earth surface and got heated by magma to become garnet. Then I got into a fight with quartz and hematite and we all thought it was best to go our separate ways. I worked my way up to the earths upper mantle where I melted and cooled in magma. I was now an igneous rock. After a very long time I worked my way up to the surface of the earth. It was so good to finally see the sun again! I was an igneous rock for thousands of years, and I liked it that way. I was in the wind so much though that I became a sedimentary rock. I formed limestone with aragonite. When I was a sedimentary rock I eventually got washed away down a river and into the ocean. After thousands of years I settled on the ocean floor and other layers of minerals formed on top of me. We were all pressed together and I was once again sedimentary rock. But this didnt last as long as I though it would because there was an earthquake and I got pushed down far into the earths crust. From the pressure of the earths crust colliding and the heat of the magma I turned into a metamorphic rock again. Now I sit in the earths crust waiting until I change once again. I hope that I will soon see the sun again, so I wont be so cramped down here with all these other minerals. The heat down here makes everybody a little irritable. It may take thousands of years but one day I will change again and become a different type of rock. ...

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